Friday, January 30, 2009

Something to ruminate..

The picture above is my latest painting using just six basic colours not including black.

If a friend in need is a friend indeed, then technically and logically, I must not believe in friendship. I certainly do believe in God's angels.


Clandestine said...

r u kidding me...u made this painting...hard to beleive..

Ri said...

hey u completed it cool.., so instead of black wht did u use for the dark shade brown??
nice one btw
n wht abt ur pursuing oil paint any luck?

Ri said...

hey i found a grt paint place in bloomsbury street..

The Unsure Ascetic said...

@Ankita- Jee haan I amde this painting.
@atreyi. Thanx for the compliment.Oil paint exceeds my budget. I did this just to shake off the rust that had creeped into my artwork. I am confident again. I shall venture into oil soon.